20. mars [Review] Comparison of Pureneemo Boy body S vs XS

19. mars. 2018

Comparison of Pureneemo Boy body S type & XS type
(AZONE Pureneemo Flection Boy Body : official web site)

This boy body type was released around 1 year ago. 
I was in dilemma because this body seems to be suitable to my imagine but I already have XS boy body.
One day, Ebay offered me discount coupon, so that I purchased it immediately.

Pureneemo Boy body S from Japan!

The front

The back

The side

I've seen several comparison posts, however, I thought the information about compatibility of hands parts or clothes between S type and XS type is not enough.
THEREFORE, here I am for this!

Left: S / Right: XS

First of all, the difference of height is like above. 
Total height is different as 1 cm.
The shoulder height is also different as 1 cm, but 
when you see the part of pelvis, the difference is less than 1 cm.
I guess that both waist and leg are got longer of S type.
The legs of S type look like much longer than XS type's. 
This is because S type has thinner silhouette. 

Left: S / Right: XS

The shoulder shape of XS looks like bigger than S type,
it is not correct. 
Actually the size is the same.
As S type has longer waist, it looks more slender.

Left: S / Right: XS

As you can see, the shoulder size is same. 
If you think that their chest sizes are different, 
it would be optical illusion. 
The angle of neck is little bit different so that it makes difference.

As I expected bigger shoulder, I was little bit disappointed. 
However, thanks to same shoulder size, my outfits for XS type are all well fitted.

Left: S / Right: XS

XS type seems to be chubby.

Left: S / Right: XS

From pelvis, their leg length is different.
S type has longer legs than XS.
I think these bodies have same thigh parts, but calf parts are different.
S type has longer and thinner ankle.
That's why it looks much longer but in real the leg length is different as only less than 1 cm.

Pureneemo XS bodies has a fault that two legs are not really balanced.
So when the bodies are made stand, they should lean on one foot.
In case of S type, this fault is less. 

Left: XS / Right: S

When they are made stand,
S type has more slender ankle, longer waist and more details on its chest and belly.

Left: S / Right: XS

S type has shorter neck compared to XS body.
The back shape of S type is more straight and XS type has more curved line.
The height of hip is distinct between S and XS.
The neck of S seems to be more bent forward.

Left: S / Right: XS

As I mentioned above, 
the shape of calf is very different and because of this S body seems to have much longer legs.

Left: S / Right: XS

Assembled with LOLOA head (LOLOA head by marronrronn)

I had only one head so I combined two photos. lol
As LOLOA head was made for XS body, the right one looks more natural.
S type is taller than XS type but at the same time it has slender silhouette, so I think that it would be better if the head size is smaller.

Left: S / Right: XS

When get dressed, there is no big difference.
This one also I took two different photos and combined them.
Because of the different angle, it seems not good comparison to my regret!

The trousers were longer from the first, so it is good for S body,
but the sleeve is shorter! 

Now, let's check the compatibility of hand parts!
I have the A set hands parts for XS body.

Left: S / Right: XS

Both bodies have the same type of hand parts: naturally dropped hands.
The baby finger of XS' hand keeps away from other fingers.
The length of arm is also different.
S type has longer arm.

Left: S / Right: XS

S type's wrist is longer and thinner.
In case of arm, both upper and lower forearm of S type are little by little longer than XS'.

Left: XS / Right: S

This is the default hand parts.
When you see them in real, S type hand is bigger,
however, in this photo, they seem to be same.

Eventually, there is no difficulty to use XS hand parts for both bodies.
AZONE is selling other hand parts for S type,
What's the purpose?! LOL

Left: S / Right: XS

Assembled same XS hands for S and XS bodies.
NO difference.
PERFECT compatibility!

Left: S / Right: XS

Left: S / Right: XS

Of course "V" parts are good,

Left: S / Right: XS

Thumps up parts are also perfect.

Left: S / Right: XS

At last, feet!

Left: S / Right: XS

Therefore, shoes' compatibility is good!

In consequence, I expected more manly body but not enough.
However, I satisfied of S type because the harmony of different tall between S boy body and XS girl body is good. 
I also like longish body silhouette of S type.
I don't like small shoulder, but I also think I can find another better head for this body.
If you make dolls outfit without S body (but have got XS body),
you can just make maximum 1 cm longer length for trousers and sleeves.

I didn't compared the exact figures of each part, 
nevertheless I hope this post would be helpful for your choice!

Thank you :-)
