16. Septembre


Musée des arts décoratifs et du design

16. Septembre 2017

Once a year, all the museums and monuments in France open for public in free.
My apartment owner told me about it just a day before, 
and she recommended me to visit 'Musée des arts décoratifs et du design' near my home.

This museum has plenty of decorative things such as furniture, plates, accessories and musical instruments etc in 18th century.

Also, there was a temporary exhibition related to colours.
This exhibition was very interesting. 

For example, the colour trand change in Tupperware products, 
(the pastel colour during 50 and 60's was the best for me)

"Les Couleurs de Bordeaux"
A room was decorated with a variety of colours extracted in city of Bordeaux.
Those colours mean vineyard in Bordeaux, the river Garonne and old UNESCO buildings.
It was my favorite artwork.

Colourful lights

the words which praise the sunlight by Vincent Van Gogh

As he said, yellow sunlight colour has really something special.
I'm shame that my camera could not catch the beauty of yellow colour.

Colours in Modern fashion design

strange face

colour and light

Light is as much important as colour because we can catch the difference of colours by light. 

light and colour

Colours during a night (8hours) 
A Dutch artist made this. I found another talent of Dutch people.
This is colour sense! Their sense in modern design is amazing.
Another my home country in my heart, the Netherlands! haha

💓 💓 💓

From here, there are the photos of permanent exhibition of 'Musée des arts décoratifs et du design'.

Beautiful room in 18th century

plates. There are many beautiful plates. I really want to have them...

A room on the 1st floor was very interesting. There were 4 paintings of Napoli. 
When I saw the painting, weirdly I came up with Kingslanding in Game of Throne.
Such as the war at Blackwater Bay. LOL 
I stared the painting very carefully, and the guardian in the room gave me the description of the exhibits. 
Thanks to him, I've got the information of the painting.

All of them were the painting of Napoli city with different angle.
And the volcanic mountain is Vesuvio. 
That's so cool!

The plates in this room was to funny. There are several types of plates, depend on where the plates came from.
I don't remember anymore the name of city, it was neither Marseille nor Toulouse... 
Anyway, the description said that birds, some tools and Chinese (people, I guess) were subject to the plates.
It is too racism, but it was so cute... 

In this permanent exhibition, there are several temporary exhibits related to colour like hide-and-seek.
This rabbit was one of them. 
There were balloon monkey, balloon rabbit and balloon swan, however, I was not able to find balloon swan...

Around 2 hours, I enjoyed a lot.
This museum was really interesting.
Thanks to my apartment owner, I had a really good day.

The street where the museum is located is also very beautiful.
You can see diverse art work shop, musical instruments shop and local & traditional food shop.

Lovely Bordeaux.
I Love Bordeaux :-)
