17. Septembre


17. Septembre 2017


Near Pont Jacques Chaban-Delmas, there is a science museum.
The comprehensive subject of this museum is 'Stem cell (Cellules souches)'.
From the first part, you can learn what is 'Stem cell' and how this cells work in our body.

'Stem cell' section was small, but there are a lot of things to read and experience.
Above screen was one of those things. The screen scan your body and you move your hand to touch the round spots.
when you touch the round spots which located on specific parts on your body, they tell you about how organs and stem cells work, etc.

The most interesting thing was microscope.
After my high school, I have never used microscope.
Even in elementary, junior and high school, students have to share one microscope with several friends, therefore, it was not really interesting.
However, here, even I'm full grown adult, using microscope to see cells, was really really fun. 

There were several samples of cells. You see them with microscope and check a book in front of you, and guess what the cell sample is. 
I loved biology in my childhood, so I still remember the characteristics of plant cell and animal cell. My miscellaneous knowledge was very helpful.
We were very successful to guess them except for one.

This is because this sample was a trick, so that there was no description.
It was blood.

That's so cool.
