29. Septembre

29. Septembre. 2017

Château de la Brède

Located in town La Brède, south of Bordeaux, 
there is a house (exactly castle) of Montesquieu, who is a famous political philosopher in 17th century.

He believed in the separation of powers: legal, administrative and judicial. 

Anyway, he is very famous person, 
thanks to his last descendant, Jacqueline, this castle is opened for public.

entrance fee is 7 euros. 

There is a real castle and huge garden. 

Unfortunately, photography is forbidden inside of the castle. 
The castle was very well-decorated like castles in UK. 
A lot of portraits, beautiful furniture and decorations were very interesting. 

Specially, you will see a portrait of Louis XIV, of his 7 years old.
Also, the father of Montesquieu was very handsome. 
OMG I cannot forget him. He had gorgeous brown? or dark blond hair, and pretty nose..

In addition, it was the second daughter, Denise, who succeeded this castle and park.
And Jacqueline, who opened the castle to public, was her descendant.
You can see a portrait of Denise in the castle. She was also very clever and smart.

The castle was actually built in 10~11th century. Therefore it suffered lots of war.
At the first time, it was fortress with huge walls. 
Today, the high walls are all gone.

A huge hall like chapel or lord's reception room had been changed to library. 
The place reminded me of the reception room of Edinburgh castle or Stirling castle, even though it was smaller than them.
Anyway, all the books in the library had been replaced to Bordeaux library because it is not good place to keep book. It is too humid.

All the decoration, paintings, furniture, details of fabrics on the beds or chairs...
Everything was so interesting. 
I was so sad because I couldn't take photos.

Stable in the park.

with my dolls

Château de la Brède is not so far from Bordeaux.
I really recommend you to visit this castle!

Lunch in the city center of La Brède

Learn more about Château de la Brède
